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Seth J. Frantzman
Seth J. Frantzman was born in Maine. He received his Ph.D from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2010. Frantzman has been an assistant professor at Al-Quds University and has published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals. His full list of publications can be found at academia.edu. He is a founder and director of the Middle East Center for Reporting and Analysis and a Writing Fellow at Middle East Forum.
His current interests include Middle East regional security, the anti-ISIS coalition, Kurdish issues, refugees, the history of the Holy Land, the Beduin and land laws. He has covered the war on Islamic State in Iraq and reported from Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, west Africa and Eastern Europe. His work has appeared at The Hill, The National Review, The National Interest, The Spectator, The Jerusalem Post, The Moscow Times, The Washington Times, The Tucson Weekly, Rudaw, Al-Jazeera, and the Judische Allgemeine. He has appeared on the BBC, DW, Al-Hurra, CNN, TRT, Russia Today, ABC News Radio, BBC World Service, Sputnik radio, i24, and other outlets.
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Selected publications
Founder and Executive Director
Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran at the Munich Security Conference, Interview with Rudaw, February 18, 2018.
'America's Catch-22 Diplomacy; When friends are also enemies,' The Hill, February 8, 2018
"By, with and through": How the US-led coalition defeated ISIS in Iraq using tactics without coherent strategy, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 21, No. 3 (Fall/Winter 2017)
'The prospect of another, even bloodier clash in Syria,' The Spectator, 7 February, 2018
'The New Middle East Crisis: Iran's Growing Relationships,' National Interest, December 27, 2017